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Herbalife Calcium Tablets Herbalife Product:

Overview of Herbalife Calcium Tablets Herbalife Product:

Herbalife Calcium Tablets is a dietary supplement that provides the calcium needed for strong, healthy bones, along with magnesium & Vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption.

Herbalife Calcium Tablets is required for various physiological processes, its regular consumption is of utmost importance. Adequate calcium intake helps acquire bone mass and attain bone density throughout life.

Vitamin D and Magnesium are needed for the better absorption of Calcium for these physiological processes. Herbalife calcium tablets helps to fulfill body’s calcium requirement.

Herbalife Calcium Tablets are a healthy Calcium supplement formulated with Vitamin D and Magnesium to support strong bones and teeth. The Vitamin D and Magnesium present in Xtra-Cal aids the absorption and digestion of calcium and to support healthy aging.

39% of men, 40% of women, 1.9 billion individuals, 650 million adults. What do all these numbers mean? Well, for one, they are the figures indicating the incidence of obesity in the world.

Key Benefits Of Herbalife Calcium Tablets:

We have already discussed the benefits and importance of Calcium for the human body. Here we are going to discuss, how Herbalife Calcium can make a difference.

Herbalife Calcium Tablets  is a revolutionary supplement made with all the necessary ingredients required for the overall development of the body. It does not cater to the maintenance of adequate calcium levels in the body, but for many more systems and functions.

All these ingredients will aid in maintaining and developing strong bones. While the presence of Vitamin D and Magnesium helps in absorbing calcium. Due to the lower levels of calcium intake from all the other sources, your body can develop internal weakness.

Bone Strength:

Isn’t it obvious. We know that you already have all the information you need regarding bone strength and calcium. But what you do not know is how calcium actually develops and strengthens bones. Have you ever heard of Osteoblasts? These are the cells that are responsible for adding more calcium to the bones.

Osteoblasts are also tasked with remodeling. Which refers to the process of replacing old bones with new ones. These osteoblasts are the major drivers of the addition of new calcium cells on the bones.  Further, Osteoblasts are present in the outer layer of the bone.

This means that for calcium to add more strength to the bone we need osteoblasts. And these osteoblasts are also found in the bones. Hence, this is a cycle running over and over again. That is why we recommend that you always maintain the required levels of calcium in the body. Because it is not only necessary for bone maintenance.

It is also essential for various other intravenous processes and functions in the body. And Herbalife Calcium can help you cover for that much-needed Calcium quantities in the body.

Teeth health:

Calcium for teeth is important on two fronts. One is that it will ensure strong teeth. And the other is that it will strengthen the jawbones. The reason why we need calcium for strong teeth. With teeth retention, it is that the teeth enamel is that calcium phosphate makes up our teeth’s structure.

An irregular calcium diet contributes to tooth decay. Because even if the tooth enamel is the strongest part of the body. It is susceptible to decay.

Boston University Dental School and Tufts University Nutrition Research have found that calcium supplementation indeed improves tooth retention.

Muscle Cramps:

we have earlier said that calcium is also present in the muscles of your body. Along with calcium you also have potassium in there. The reason for muscle cramps is an imbalance between these two minerals. Muscle cramps are followed by a medium to severe pain and if it continues for a long time.

Make sure to go see a doctor first. Herbalife Calcium will ensure that you have enough quantity of calcium in your body. It also has Vitamin D in it to absorb the calcium. Without Vitamin D, no matter the amount of Calcium you take, the cramps will not stop.


Calcium is a building block of our bones. Bones need calcium on a regular basis to form the bone matrix and for remodeling. Hence, you need to understand that lower levels of calcium in the body will obstruct this remodeling process. The result will be inefficient bone building. This leads to the development of pores in our bones which is called Osteoporosis.

Now you can reckon that why Herbalife calcium is essential to stay away from a condition like osteoporosis. However, this food supplement is not medicine. Or even a prescription drug.

You should consult a doctor with regards to your conditions before taking the tablets. According to the survey statistics every 1 in 3 women. And every 1 in 5 men is suffering from Osteoporosis. This begs the question that, are we eating the right food?


The way Calcium helps with immunity is by its power to absorb Vitamin C. You see all the minerals and Vitamins we need to have a link to each other. Taking just one of these won’t give results.

Vitamin D is necessary for Calcium absorption and Calcium is essential for Vitamin C absorption. And Vitamin C is the main constituent which helps us build immunity against several bacterial and virus attacks. This is similar to a chain link, you break one link the whole chain becomes vulnerable.


In a 2013 study conducted at the University of Bristol, the researchers have found that calcium initiates the healing process. This means that when the calcium levels are low in the body. The process to start healing delays to some extent. Hence, once again we reiterate this fact that you need Herbalife Calcium to have an appropriate amount of Calcium levels in the body.

Ingredients in Herbalife Calcium Tablets:

To understand the true value of a product we need to identify and analyze each of its ingredients. So, here too we have listed all the ingredients which are present in Herbalife Calcium Tablets. What follows is a brief discussion of each of these ingredients and how they are helpful for the human body.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is a calcium absorbing compound present in our bodies. Without Vitamin D, the calcium that we take would be absorbed into the bones. The result will be rickets (bent bones) in children. While its misshapen bones in the adults, which is a condition called Osteomalacia.

Not only this, the Vitamin D Council, which is a non-profit organization working to spread awareness of its importance of Vitamin D. They claim that this essential vitamin is responsible for the protection from an auto-immune disease, pain, depression. Along with this, it can also protect the individual from diseases like Cancer. You can well imagine the importance of Vitamin D from the fact that our body produces Vitamin D after exposure to sunlight.

Magnesium Oxide:

From Protein synthesis to energy metabolization, Magnesium is involved in over 600 intra-cellular reactions in the body. Out of all the magnesium combinations present in the body, Magnesium Oxide is has a 60% presence. Overall, we need to Magnesium again to maintain proper health of the bones. And the presence of Magnesium Oxide in best Herbalife Calcium supplement further cements its benefits.

Calcium Carbonate:

The Carbonate form of Calcium is indeed important for bone health. But above that, Calcium Carbonate plays a role in the maintenance of the nervous system. It also helps with digestion and hence is often used as an antacid. Remember how sometimes you might have had a feeling of heartburn. In this scenario taking one tablet of Herbalife Calcium might help you get some relief.

Although it is safe to take calcium supplements, we always advise consulting your doctor first. Because the doctor has better knowledge about your medical history and will guide you best.

Micro-Crystalline Cellulose:

A major impact of low levels of Calcium in your body is weak bones. You know that, but the important thing is that due to weak bones and an increase in weight you get in grave danger. The role of Microcrystalline cellulose in this Herbalife products is to help with weight gain issues.

There is a science behind it. This compound which is also called as Wood-Pulp creates a feeling in the brain that the stomach is full. This full stomach sensation will not allow the individual to eat fatty and extra food. Hence, it prevents an individual from gaining excessive due to unsavory eating habits.

Croscarmellose Sodium:

The purpose of using this compound in Herbalife Calcium is to help the mineral reach the intestines. This is because almost every part of the body needs Calcium. Hence, Croscarmellose Sodium is added to give result to this task.

When talking about Sodium alone, we have the presence of this mineral in the body. The main function of Sodium being an electrolyte is to keep a balance among the body fluids.

This balance is also essential to ensure normal muscle functioning. However, in older age, the natural production of Sodium decreases in the body. That is why taking food supplements and other Herbalife products will aid a healthy balance and maintenance of the required levels of Calcium and Sodium in the body.

Magnesium Stearate:

This compound is a combination of two minerals. Magnesium and Stearic Acid. The only purpose of adding this into the Herbalife Calcium tablets is to smoothen the flow. “The flow” here means the process every tablet has to go through after it is ingested. Not only after ingestion, even during the manufacturing and packing of these tablets Magnesium Stearate ensures that the internal compounds do not stick to each other.

Usage In Herbalife Calcium Tab;ets:

A single tablet of Herbalife Calcium contains 0.40 grams of Calcium. This means that you can take one tablet per day. Taking more than this may lead to an excessive amount of calcium in the body.

Hence, we strongly advise against taking more than one tablet a day. The reason is that there are other sources of Calcium too. And an average daily diet also contributes to the build-up of Calcium in the human body.

According to the instructions on the bottle, you must store it in a cool and dry place. Also, close the lid when not in use. There are two aspects that come out of this.

One is that these tablets are susceptible to heat. The other is that they do not connect well with moisture. The reason is that the Vitamins and Minerals deteriorate rapidly in their potency when we expose them to such unwanted conditions.

All Sources of Calcium:

There are plenty of Calcium rich food sources with our Mother Nature apart from supplements like Herbalife Calcium. Out of all of them, Tofu and Parmesan cheese are the richest sources of Calcium. Along with them, there are poppy seeds, beans, Sardines, and Canned Salmon, Almonds, Whey Protein, and Fortified Foods.

All these sources can provide you with the required amount of calcium. But the quantity and quality also matter a lot.

Frequently Asked Questions in Herbalife Calcium Tablets:

Q.1 What is calcium plus vitamin D good for?

A.1 Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of your body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from the stomach and for the functioning of calcium in the body. Calcium and vitamin D combination is used to prevent or to treat a calcium deficiency.

Q.2 Does calcium tablets increase weight?

A.2 Data suggest that a diet deficient in calcium is associated with higher body weight and that augmenting calcium intake may reduce weight and fat gain or enhance loss.

Q.3 Why Herbalife Calcium is so popular?

A.3 Herbalife Calcium tablets are being taken by millions of people on a daily basis and they have actually helped people with stronger bones and overall good health.

Majority of people taking Herbalife Calcium in India are women. India is a country where women are often diagnosed with low bone density and are recommended calcium tablets by doctors. This is what has made Herbalife Calcium tablets so popular in India.

However, in this guide, we’ll talk about the ingredients of Herbalife calcium tablets, how to take it, the benefits and also the side-effects. But before heading to the product, let’s also go through the conditions due to low calcium levels in the human body. Read on!

Q.4 Does it have any side effects?

A.4 The Herbalife Calcium tablets per se do not have any side effects. But what can harm an individual is the excessive amount of calcium in the body. This means that when you take more than the required amount of Calcium for your age. It will lead to the development of some issues. For instance, higher levels of Calcium can cause:

  • Constipation
  • Development of Kidney Stones
  • Higher levels of calcium can also disrupt the heart rhythm
  • There are possibilities of drug interactions

Hence, we recommend that you consult your doctor before taking Herbalife Calcium. This is only to ensure that the calcium that you will ingest. It is in sync with the other medicines that you are taking or might take. In a similar study conducted by Robin M. Daly and Peter R. Ebeling. It was concluded excessive use of calcium supplements led to a 30% increase in the incidence of Myocardial infarction.

We can conclude that although there are side effects of these supplements. These are not due to the tablets itself. But the main reason is overuse by the user and thus the Herbalife products are best to use in a set routine and with control.

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