1.Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix rose kheer
2.Formula 1 Nutritional Shake blend rose kheer makes an extraordinary tasting shake, explicitly formed with all vital quality soy 3.protein confine, as Nutritional Food item for dietary prerequisites.
4.Packed with nutrients and minerals alongside normal spices, cell reinforcements and dietary fiber, it gives wanted 5.protein and nourishment without over-burdening pointless fat and calories.
6.Enjoy Formula 1 shake blend rose kheer more than once per day alongside segment controlled sustenance and exercise to help

Key Benefits of Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix Rose Kheer

1.Calorie controlled.
2.Packed with fundamental amino acids, nutrients and minerals Provides 9g of Protein per serve Underpinned by science Developed by 3.experts in sustenance
4.Quick to prepare.
5.Personalise your shake with your #1 organic products
6.Available in 6 delightful flavors
7.Consume as a feature of a changed and adjusted diet and solid way of life.

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View more data Like: Herbalife India

Weight 800 g
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 4 cm


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